Lighting Management System, lighting solution, Infrastructure lighting solution
Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macau Bridge (HZMB) is the longest bridge-cum-tunnel sea crossing in the world. The total length of HZMB is 55km, including the 12km Hong Kong Link Road, 29.6km Main Bridge and 13.4km Zhuhai Link Road.
In accordance with the indoor lighting compliance of Building Energy Code (BEC) issued under the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, SPL provided an infrastructure lighting solution for the Passenger Clearance Building of Hong Kong Port. We adopted energy-saving LED lighting to fulfill the BEC requirement. The building is installed with a full DALI lighting control system. The control gear is also customized and compatible with a high-quality central battery system powered by direct current.
Project Name: Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge
Project Location: Lantau Island
Project Nature: Infrastructure
Completion Year: 2018
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